10 Floodsmart Safety Tips
We at Home Improvement Rocks sincerely hope that you and your family never have to deal with the heartbreak and heavy costs of a serious disaster such as a major flood. But good wishes are no substitute for flood preparedness. So we offer you these flood safety tips and flood facts and information so that your family can be floodsmart under the most dire and unfortunate circumstances.
10 Floodsmart Safety Tips
1. It is dangerous to walk through flowing water. The leading cause of flood fatalities is drowning. The most dangerous time for these events is during flash floods. Believe it or not, a mere six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. Don’t be cavalier about crossing such a hazard. Check the depth of the water before stepping with a pole or stick even in areas where the water is not flowing.
2. Disaster Tourism is Trouble for Everyone. We’re all familiar with the tendency to slow down and rubber-neck an accident on the highway. It’s not a good idea on the highway, but it is a very bad idea in a disaster zone. Do not drive through a flooded area. More people drown in their cars than anywhere else. Certainly do not drive around road barriers; the road or bridge may be washed out from the flood waters.
3. Live wires risk your life. Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. Electrocution is another common cause of death during floods. You know that electrical current can travel through water; keep as far away as you can. Promptly report downed power lines to your utility company or local emergency services.
4. Turn off your electricity when you return home. This one may not be as obvious to everyone, but some appliances, such as television sets, can shock you even after they have been unplugged. Leave appliances and motors that have gotten wet from the flood unused until they have been disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and dried.
5. Watch for dislocated wild life. Remember, you’re not the only one driven from your home by the flood. Lots of smaller animals have been flooded out of their’s and may seek shelter in yours. If you have snakes in your area, be especially vigilant about them. Use poles or sticks to poke around items and turn them over.
6. Step with care. Following floods, debris will be all about on the ground and floors. Watch out for broken bottles and nails in particular. Also, be careful about floors and stairs covered with mud from the flood; even after they’ve been cleared, they can be treacherously slippery.
7. Avoid explosive situations. Gas leaks, after a flood, can be a major hazard. Use a flashlight to inspect for damages. Do not smoke or use candles, lanterns or open flames unless you are absolutely sure that the gas has been turned off and the flooded area aired out.
8. Carbon monoxide exhaust kills. Another major gas problem is the scentless killer. Only use generators or other gasoline powered machines outdoors. That includes camping stoves. Charcoal fumes are especially deadly. Only cook with charcoal outdoors.
9. Drying is not enough. Flood waters pick up sewage and chemicals from roads, farms, factories and storage buildings. It’s not enough to dry out exposed items from a flood, you must thoroughly cleam them as well. Spoiled food, wet cosmetics and medicines are best just thrown out.
10. Care for body and soul. Resist the temptation to be superman. A disaster like a flood takes a heavy toll on us, body and spirit. It may have long lasting effects on you and your family. While starting to put the pieces back together, after a flood, rest often and take good care of yourself and your family.
In the terrible event that your family should suffer a disaster such as this, we hope these flood safety tips and flood facts and information will help your family to be floodsmart and get you all through the troubles safe and sound.